Find answers to the most frequently asked questions

  • Can Non Beneficiaries apply?

    Yes, in most cases, Non Beneficiaries who reside in Nunatsiavut can apply; however, our programs are prioritized to Beneficiaries first and foremost.


    Depending on the program, the NHC can consider non-Beneficiary applicants if there is a local surplus of housing, if it is necessary and appropriate, or if doing so would not be contrary to Inuit interests.


    An important consideration is if non Beneficiary applicants have dependents (children or a partner) who are Beneficiaries. Apply and explain your circumstances, and the NHC will consider you if appropriate to do so.

  • Can Beneficiaries outside the Land Claims Area apply?

    Yes, you certainly may, however we only have jurisdiction over housing within the Land Claims Area. Your application would need to address this.


    If you are looking to move home to Nunatsiavut, or relocate permanently, you should apply and explain your circumstances; however, we prioritize Inuit who are already resident in the communities for most programs, and some programs, like our Home Repair Program for example, can only be applicable if you currently own a home in the Land Claims Area.


    A general rule of thumb: when in doubt, call us and ask!

  • Can you provide housing in Happy Valley-Goose Bay?

    Unfortunately, we are not able to own and operate housing outside of the Land Claims Area due to the nature of the Land Claims Agreement with Canada. This means we are limited to owning and operating housing in the communities of Nain, Hopedale, Postville, Makkovik, and Rigolet. If you reside in Upper Lake Melville, get in touch with us if you have any further questions.

  • How long will I be on the waitlist for a rental unit?

    It depends on many factors, such as the community you are applying in, the availability of housing units, your personal circumstances, and the needs of other applicants in your area.


    The NHC unfortunately cannot guarantee a wait time, and given the severity of the housing crisis in Nunatsiavut, demand will exceed supply for available units.


    Applicants should be prepared to wait and to work with the NHC staff for updates as needed. When a unit becomes available, we will do a specific call for applications and will be in touch with those on the waitlist for that community to confirm interest in being considered.


    Once you are on the waitlist, you are in the queue, and should update the NHC if anything changes that we should know. Time spent on the waitlist is a factor, among many, we can consider when making allocation decisions.

  • Can I get help with a problem that is not covered by one of your programs?

    The NHC has a broad mandate to provide housing support within Nunatsiavut, and especially to Inuit who are vulnerable. If there is a program you feel is needed in your community, reach out to us! We want to work for you, and to make sure our programs fit your needs. We need your input and feedback to provide the best service possible, and encourage input and ideas anytime. 

  • How long does the Home Repair Program take?

    From the time of application to the completion of the repairs, it can be just shy of 2 years. We issue a call for applications from December until February, with an extra month to allow for follow up on applicants who did not submit income disclosure. Once we have received the applications, we need to process them.


    Next, our home inspector needs to travel to the communities to perform a detailed home inspection for eligible applicants during the warm months. After the inspections are complete, the Inspector will complete reports and estimates on the scope of work to be performed. From there, we build a Request For Proposals for contractors to bid on, which can take a month, and the awarding of the contract can take another month or two. Once the contractor is hired, they can begin work once the construction season begins.


    So, in summary, if you applied in late 2022/early 2023, if you are eligible, your home would be inspected in the summer of 2023 and if selected for repairs, work would be performed in the summer of 2024. In exceptional circumstances, work may carry forward and you will be notified. Due to the short build season and shipping season, and the complicated rules around procurement, this program takes some time.

Latest News

02 · 04 · 2025

Housing Rental in Nain

3 Bedroom - single family home, available for rent in Nain.

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12 · 09 · 2024

New program release – Critical Repair Program

Newly released home repair program, available to Nunatsiavut beneficiaries residing in the land claims area

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11 · 14 · 2024

Job Ad – Maintenance Manager

Nunatsiavut Housing Commission is looking for a Maintenance Manager within the Nunatsiavut region, application deadline is November 29th, 2024.

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Apply Today

See what programs are currently accepting applications, and submit them here. Each program will require an application, so check back often.
