Nunatsiavut Affordable Rental Program Now Accepting Applications
The Nunatsiavut Housing Commission is now accepting applications under the Affordable Rental Program. Applications for the units are due in 30 days, on January 8, 2023 at 11:59 pm.
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New Affordable Rental Program Launched by NHC
The Nunatsiavut Housing Commission is pleased to announce the creation of a new Affordable Rental Program. This program is designed to support low-income individuals and families in Nunatsiavut who can live independently.
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Investments in Inuit housing inadequate to address human rights violations
The Federal Housing Advocate toured housing in Nain and Hopedale in October as part of the Human Rights Commission's study on the failure of Canada to deliver adequate housing to Inuit under UNDRIP.
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Tune In To Listen To The Director of Housing
It is time to tune in and listen to the Director of Housing as they discuss the exciting launch of the new Nunatsiavut Housing Commission. This is a major event and an important step forward in addressing the housing needs of the Inuit community.
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Nunatsiavut Housing Commission officially established
Today marks a momentous achievement for all Labrador Inuit--the launch of the Nunatsiavut Housing Commission, the new Public Agency for Housing in Nunatsiavut.
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